Hilltip Icestriker 120, 200, 300 Software Update

Hilltip are suggesting updating your software at the earliest oppurtunity, you can find the relevant information on your device to ensure it is up to date, The software versions should be as follows:
- Strikesmart (software) app: 0.8.16 or later
- Firmware (module) version: 0.6.16 or later
The software updates this season have been issued to prevent damage to the module and auger motor, with closer monitoring of drive current, as announced by HIlltip.
How to update the Strikesmart app:
- Ensure the handset is connected to mobile data ‘check for updates’
- Open the Strikesmart app
- Press information and go to bottom of page ‘check for updates’
- Press download and accept any queries from the android device
How to update Firmware (module):
- Disconnect power to spreader for 10 seconds
- Press emergency stop button and reconnect power
- Open Strikesmart app and select the spreader to connect
- A configuration box appears, select check for firmware updates & start installing
- When update is complete, release emergency stop button
- Press the back button then exit and reconnect
- If the spreader is not found disconnect power for 10 seconds and reconnect
For any maintenance queries, please contact our technical department here